Flashing Beacon

Flashing Sign


Radar Sign

iRadar Sign





Services Provided

Cellular modem for remote access and data streaming

Remote monitoring during data collection

Data storage locally in USB disk and remotely at Migma Data Center

Report preparation with data in Excel format

Submission of report and raw data (free of charge)

In addition to accurate pedestrian/cyclist counting, MigmaCount Mobile also provides measures that include:

Pedestrian and cyclist average traveling speed

Count report can be produced in various intervals such as 15-minute bins


Cutsheet and specification can be downloaded here.


MigmaCount Mobile




Phone: (508) 660-0328                                            Fax: ( 508) 660-0288                                            Email: 

Copyright by Migma Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Advanced Features

High resolution IR LED stereo camera for day and night operation, under any weather

High resolution laser scanner for accurately
counting pedestrians and cyclists

Automatically separate pedestrians and cyclists using individual speed information

Remote configuration and monitoring using
cellular communication

Counts and images are stored in both local
USB disk and remote data server



MigmaCount Mobile is a portable automated passive pedestrian and cyclist counting system. It separates and counts pedestrians/cyclists traveling both individually and in groups. It tracks pedestrians and cyclists using a combination of a high resolution IR LED stereo camera and a high resolution laser scanner. By combining these two, it is capable of counting large or small numbers of pedestrians and cyclists in two directions simultaneously with over 95% accuracy.